Company profile
The company NDT SURMAN s.r.o.was established in 2008 as an independent corporate body. The position of the independent economic entity guarantees that the company cannot be influenced by the interests of external entities and therefore it can act, behave and work independently and impartially according to the rules of professional ethics of the testing laboratory in relation to its clients.
Since the establishment of the company our primary policy has been biased towards quality of carried out checks and not quantity. It implies that when we choose our employees we hire only those who do not show only technical skills but also the ability to think independently and who have constructive decision making within defined rules which meet standards.
Our principal line of business is conducting nondestructive tests of materials as an independent check done by the third party between the producer and supplier. Our individual workers are able to provide consultancy in this branch and they also conduct inspection activities.
Nondestructive tests of materials and weld joints are carried out by the company’s own workers – they are equipped with their appropriate devices on the premises of our customers (assembly method) in the course of production, construction, maintenance or inspections of pressure devices, structures and pipe systems.
The focus of the company’s activities is based on conducting highly qualified nondestructive checks whose output is in more than 90% passed to other independent Czech or foreign third party organizations, resp. directly to our customer (TÜV, DNV, BASF, JCS ...)
The consultancy activity is provided mainly to designers and technologists when we determine the suitability of individual defectoscopic methods for the needs of detection of critical defects and when we set particular criteria of admissibility for given components and products. The company workers are able to work out procedures for testing specific products in compliance with given requirements of individual customers.
The inspection activity of the company lies in the area of taking delivery of weldments, castings, forgings, and complex final devices and sets. In the course of these inspections we supervise the results of NDT checks, size checks, pressure tests, completeness of technical documents of the product and other appropriate necessities of source materials.
Thanks to the demanding selection of our workers the company is able to carry out all above mentioned activities qualified both from the position of the receiver or the one taking delivery.
To comply with our customer’s request our company is able to arrange for chemical analyses of metal, mechanical and metallographic tests of materials and related activities. These are not carried out by our own staff and devices, but in case of demand we can arrange for it by other properly qualified entities.
The company has a developed, well-established and maintained system of management of a testing laboratory including the appropriate internal documentation in compliance with the standard ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005. We feature qualified technical defectoscopic staff with long-time experience, certified in compliance with the standard EN ISO 9712 minimally at level II with the validity of the certificates for pressure devices in compliance with the regulation of the European Community no. 97/23 (PED). The staff is also certified in compliance with SNT-TC-1A (qualification for testing in compliance with the requirements ASME Code) at level L II.